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Basics of 'KATA'​ Improvement model

Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection. – Kim Collins What does the word  ‘KATA’  means? ‘KATA’ is a Japanese term that means ‘form’ and is commonly used in reference to martial arts. It is patterns of movements or techniques that can be practised alone or in a group. Practising the kata consistently builds the strategies into muscle memory. It creates a pattern where the attainer has to focus on continuous improvement. What does Improvement KATA mean in layman's language?  I have read somewhere repetition is the mother of all skills. If you ever want to excel at something make sure you are doing it over and over again. What if you also get improved with every next attempt time, it is highly possible you would be very efficient at what you do. Also, it becomes your habit and you eventually find a way to improve yourself even at a peak. essentially improvement kata model suggests that you should continue to improve yourself. How does ‘KATA’ come into the software e

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